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Speed of Light. Why can't we reach the speed of Light?

Friends, you must have seen some Characters and Spacecrafts in Science Fiction Films and Series which can travel faster than the speed of light, these characters not only satisfy us but, we also think that is it possible to travel faster than light? It might be disappointing for you to hear this but this is the truth, till now, according to science, we can never reach the speed of light! So today I will tell you that what are the reasons that stop us from reaching the speed of light, and we will also prove this with a simple mathematical equation, so let's start. according to science, nothing in this universe can reach the speed of light, nor go faster than light. Even Albert Einstein said that the speed of light is the speed limit of this universe, a body can reach the speed of light, only when its mass is zero, which means that it should be massless, here I am talking about every object in the universe, not the universe itself, because after the big bang, the expansion speed of t...

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