Comet SWAN is coming!!! Are we about to die?

A sky full of stars, twinkling stars, what a magic is in there, wether  we are sad or happy, we always try to see that heaven of space, even if the Stars are silent they say a lot, we think that we should take time and talk to them when we don't have much things to do The above things are always in the mind of a stargazer like you and me, no matter the world is stopped, there is something going above us in the space, we have another chance to see a wonderful space event. the corner most edge of the solar system, which is Oort Cloud.(fig2)

Fig (2)


A comet is coming from there, which will cross the sun at a very low distance, even in the media there is a big talk about this comet,
So lets us know about this comet today, its name is SWAN which was found by Solar Wind Anisotropis Camera which is SWAN, it was operated by NASA's Heliospheric Observatory
but officialy its name is designated as C/2020 F8. Mr Michael Mattiazzo (fig3)

who discovered this comet, says that half of the credit of this discovery should go to Corona Virus because he discovered this comet in his backyard when the whole world was inside their houses during Lockdown. Michael works in pathology industry, but because of this Lockdown he got some extra time to complete his hobby which was comet hunting, he started scanning the images of NASA's SOHO observatory. The photo taken of 25th March he saw a small twinkling light in the
night sky which attracted him towards it, by the way it was the light of the hydrogen which was coming out of the comet. what happens is that when a comet gets closer to the sun the water ice inside it's
nucleus start vaporizing, because of the Ultravoilent rays of the sun the water molecules of the comet break up, and then Hydrogen atoms start to glow up, this was the light that Michael saw.
So comets are made up of frozen gas like methane ammonia water ice and also dust, when the comet reaches the sun it gets heated up and start glowing, but the comets which show a very nice phenomena to us are made (fig3).
up of dust because dust particles  reflect sunlight more perfectly  when reaching towards sun the gases  expand, the solar winds expand the gases of the comets and it makes a very beautiful scene which is called it's tail

 if a comet is made up of dust   particles, so it's  nucleus and it's tail will be more big, which we can see with our naked eyes, but if a comet is made up of gases, it will be more difficult to see it and if you saw it it
will appear bulgy and haunted, because the molecules of gases do not reflect the sunlight and to see the gas comets from naked eyes is very much difficult. even if we use binoculars and small telescopes, even then it is very difficult to see
them. So just guess that what this comet it made up of? if you say gas, fortunately you are right. First it was thought that it is orbiting the sun in an eliptical orbit, whose orbital period is of thousands of years and it was also thought that it orbited the sun only one time
     but now it is not like that, this comet coming from ourt cloud seems to be vey young. the comets which come near to the sun are in a parabolic path not eliptical because the come for the first time from the edge of the universe and they directly all into the gravity of the sun and as soo

as they reach the sun they move again into the darkness (fig4) , where the get lost for a long time and go so fast that it seems to be a target from slingshot. the comets which have'nt  interacted with sun, they are made up of a very volatile material like frozen nitrogen carbon monoxide  and carbon dioxide etc.
whenever they interact with the sun for the first time they start glowing more brighter than our expectation as soon as the volatile ice gets extinghuished, they start to grow dim. the  brightness of Celestrial bodies is calculated in numbers of magnitudes the stars which appear to be brighter, their magnitude is   0 and +1 and the most dim stars that we see from our eyes, their magnitude is +6 at 24 April the magnitude of this comet was +7.2 which means that we cannot see it from our naked eyes
and within one week it's magnitude decreased to +5.2 and this comet started appearing like a star in the night sky at 27 may it will be very close got our sun, 64.6 million Kilometres and then it's magnitude will become +5.2 and then it will appear like a medium brightness star
but it can be seen for the 5 days of the next month this comet will appear on the  Pisces  constellation the people who live in the southern hemisphere will be able to see the comet more clearly, but most of the countries are in the northern hemisphere and even India, where I live, so the people in the north will
have to use telescopes, you can see the comet 1 or 1.5 hours before sunrise, you have to see  10 degrees up in the north horizon, if you see it with more attention, you will definately see it. and just like this you can see it 1 or 1.5 hours after sunset. If you want to know more about this comet just go to
that's all for it.
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