Speed of Light. Why can't we reach the speed of Light?

Friends, you must have seen some Characters and Spacecrafts in Science Fiction Films and Series which can travel faster than the speed of light, these characters not only satisfy us but, we also think that is it possible to travel faster than light? It might be disappointing for you to hear this but this is the truth, till now, according to science, we can never reach the speed of light!

So today I will tell you that what are the reasons that stop us from reaching the speed of light, and we will also prove this with a simple mathematical equation, so let's start. according to science, nothing in this universe can reach the speed of light, nor go faster than light. Even Albert Einstein said that the speed of light is the speed limit of this universe, a body can reach the speed of light, only when its mass is zero, which means that it should be massless, here I am talking about every object in the universe, not the universe itself, because after the big bang, the expansion speed of the universe was much more fast than light, anyway, why is it like that? why cant anything travels faster than light, let's understand this with some concepts and equations, faster than light travel is not possible because it breaks the principle of causality, you might be thinking that what is this causality? Let's understand how faster than light breaks the principle of causality, in simple word causality means the relationship between cause and effect,

If I talk about Causality principle it says that cause always precedes effect, which means without any cause there is no effect, let's take an example of an egg if we see an egg broken on the floor, we think that it may have fallen on the ground first and then had been broken, here the egg fell is cause and the break is the effect,

Whenever we talk about the speed of light, the biggest mistake is that we compare its the speed with other objects speed, it is very important for us to know that the speed of light is also the speed of Electromagnetic waves, and this is the fastest speed of information to go from one place to another in this universe, which means that light is that instrument from which we can see this universe, this is that speed in which time also passes in order and the principle of causality also not violates if a supernova explosion happens one year ago, and it's light reaches us now, that doesn't mean that that supernova happened today, this means that the explosion happened 1 year ago, but its information is reaching us today. But if information starts traveling faster than light, it will break the principle of causality, and then we would the whole process in a reverse order, which will be similar to time travel, for example: Suppose you are shot by a gun and then you get hurt, and the bullet reaches you afterward.

OK let's understand it with a more easy example. We know that the Reference Frame would be anything, light travels at a constant speed in a vacuum. Suppose you are this (fig), and you are standing in a compartment of a train which is going at a very high speed, and there mirrors on both of the sides of the compartment, and in the middle, there is a light bulb in the middle, when you will glow this bulb,you will observe that the photons, on the light will hit both of them at the same time, because in your reference frame, both mirror, bulb and the compartment  are in stationary state

 Now there is another person standing outside the train, who is seeing that the train is moving forward, what will happen, when you will glow the light bulb, in what manner the person standing outside the train will observe the same event? in his reference frame, mirror a is moving forward, whereas mirror B is going away from Photons, so in the Reference Frame of this person, he will observe that, that the Photons are first hitting the mirror A and then mirror B if someone asks you that photons are hitting which mirrors first? You will answer both. But if the same question is asked from that person, he will answer that the photons are hitting mirror A first and later on mirror B, then the question arises which of you is correct? actually, both of you are correct. The phenomena you are observing is not an illusion, but it is reality, which is called relativity of simultaneity, which says that, the timing of the same event occurring in Space can vary according to different Reference Frame.

 OK assume that another person can travel faster than the speed of light because, in his reference frame,  photons take less time to reach mirror a  and more time in reaching mirror b, he waits for the photons to reach, mirror a, till this time, photons haven't reached mirror b, because this mirror is going away from photons, now he reaches to mirror b with the speed of light, because, his speed is faster than light, he has reached the mirror b, but the photons are still on the way, and now he breaks this mirror, that is why, in his reference frame, photons have never reached mirror b, but wait, what happened in your reference frame at that time? You see that mirror B is broken, but how? It will be a difficult task for you to understand this because for you, photons should reach both the mirrors at the same time, which means that no one had much time for photons to reach mirror A and then break mirror B, because, for you, photons should hit both the mirrors.

 There is only 1 way to do so, which is  that another person should go in the past and break the mirror B before the photons reached both of the mirrors,

This is violating causality principle, this was the example that tells us that faster than light travel is not possible. If you have read my God particle article,  you must have remembered that, the whole universe is full of invisible fields, one of them is Higgs Field, every particle has to cross this field originally, all the particles in the universe travel at the speed of light, but after reaching this field, some particles interact very high with this field, some low and some do not, the higher the interaction of the particle with the Higgs field, higher will be it's mass, and therefore, the particle which interact very less with this field, the lower will be it's mass and the particle which does not interact with Higgs field, it remains mass less, and the mass less particle keep going at the speed of light,  because photons never interact with Higgs field, they are completely mass less, and they always travel at the speed of light, which means that any particle remains mass less because it didn't interact with Higgs field, means that the particle did not experience any resistance or opposition in Higgs field, without any resistance or opposition  there is no difference in the speed of these particles, and that is why they always keep traveling at their fastest possible speed in this universe, if any particle is mass less, it will always travel at the speed of light, if any particle has some mass, it's speed will always be less than the speed of light, and that is why faster than light seems to be impossible. Trying to stop a car which is completely stopped is foolishness

Same as that the case for going at the speed of light, if you haven't understood  Higgs field, you can go and read it, in which I explained it to you in full detail. Till now, we have understood 2 reasons, which tells us that traveling at the speed of light is impossible. Let's know about the 3 rd example, which is the most famous among people. This is connected with the theory of Relativity, special theory of relativity tells us that, if the speed of a body increases, its mass also increases

Here many of you will say that I am saying wrong, that mass never increases, it is always constant. Let me tell you that you are right, but the mass you are talking about is rest mass. Rest mass never changes. but when a body is traveling at a very high speed, so its mass increases because of Relativity Equation, but when it comes to rest, it's mass again becomes as normal, means that as the speed of a body increases, its mass also increases, and when the mass increases, we have to provide it the energy of that proportion to accelerating, which means that even if a body reaches the speed of light, it's mass increases so much that it needs infinite energy to accelerate and giving infinite energy is impossible.it is foolishness to talk about a big object, as even an Electron can never reach the speed of light, because when it reaches the speed of light, it needs infinite energy to accelerate, and even the whole universe, hasn't this much amount of energy in it, a body can only reach 99.9% of light's speed not more than that. And now let's know about the last reason which makes faster than light travel impossible, this time we will use a simple math equation to show that we cannot reach the speed of light.

E=mc2, this is a world-famous equation, you might have heard about his somewhere. You might not know that this is an incomplete equation. Yes, you have heard right. this equation is only for the objects which are massless, and who which are at rest, if I talk about the equation, so it is this, e square = mc square whole square + pc whole square, here p = Momentum m= Mass and c= Speed of Light, and now,

You might have heard Pythagorean theorem which tells us that, it always follows in a right-angled triangle (Hypotenuse) 2= (perpendicular) 2+ (Base) 2, now if we see the last equation, it is similar to this equation, and now keeping this equation in mind,

If we make a right-angled triangle, it will be like this, in this Hypotenuse will be e, the base will be pc, and the height will me mc2,

Now we will use this triangle to see that, when E=mc2 comes, by Pythagorean Theorem we have this equation   E2=(mc2)+(pc)2, where p is momentum, m is mass and c is the speed of light, we know that whenever a body is at rest, it's momentum which p will become 0 but when we keep p=0 in this equation, so the pc2 term will automatically become 0, and now we will get E=mc2, which we know as mass-energy equivalence equation, now let's see that what do we get in the case of photons, we are talking about massless particles, here mass will become 0, by which the whole (mc2)2 term will become 0, and we will get e2 = (pc)2, which is e= pc, which means e=pc is only when the mass of an object is 0, 

we can also write the velocity of an object in this form  V=c pc by before I start discussing further, lets first know that where did this relation came from? because many of you people will be thinking that where this came from. For the objects which have some mass, the pc side of this triangle will change into the magnitude of Pv, here v is representing the velocity of the object which has some mass and which is traveling. in this triangle, we can say sin a = PV by e, this is relation 1. We know that e= hc by lambda and p = h by lambda, now if we put E and p in relation 1,    so we will get sin a = hv by Lambda, Lambda by hc, here the term h and lambda will get cut and we will get sin a = v by c, this is relation 2, if we look in this triangle, we can say that sin a = pc by e, this is relation 3, now if we equate relation 2 and 3, so we can say that v by c= pc by e, if we shift c to the right-hand side, we will get  v= c pc by e, from this we can say that, if the velocity of a body will increase, the lenght of pc side will also increase, and the ratio of e and pc will get similar, but it can only go at 0.99 but it can never reach 1  because here, the mass of our object is not 0, which means that mc 2 side will never end, from which e will never get equal to pc, which simply means that v will never get equal to c, this means that if an object has some mass, it will never reach the speed of light. We know that whenever a body's speed increases, it experiences time dilation, which means that for him, the time starts passing slowly. But but.......... have you ever thought that if you were light, how will you see this world, actually in this speed, time will completely stop for you and distances will contract. for example, if we see the light of a galaxy which was formed billions of years ago, we will think that, that the light took billions of years to reach us, but if we were light, it will not take too much of time for us to reach here, on the very next moment that light reached us, because, for light, the time has stopped and the distance between that galaxy and our Earth had become very short         Only special theory of relativity tells us that what do we feel when we reach the speed of light and traveling at the speed of light or faster than that is impossible, says this theory. Maybe a new theory will replace this theory and make this speed possible, but for now, it is impossible. Theoretically, theories like warp drive and wormhole, which say that we can reach the speed of light, but they are still theories.
So friends, this much only for today, please let me know if you want me to explain something else through comment down below 
Thank you.
Written by:
REUBEN DANIEL                                                                      



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