Some other space events of 2020
Space events of 2020 part 1
1. Partial Lunar Eclipse
On January 10 you will see a partial lunar eclipse. It will be visible from Europe, Africa, Asia, the Indian Ocean, and West Australia.
2. Lyrids Meteor Shower
It will be from April 22-23, the shower can produce 20 meteors per hour. Peaks a day before new Moon, so best has the best viewing conditions.
3. Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower
The shower can produce up to 60 Meteors per hour. Nearly full Moon will be a problem, on May 6.
4. Partial Lunar Eclipse
On June 5, it will be visible over most of Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and the Indian ocean.
5. Annual Solar Eclipse
The moon will cover the Sun completely. Visible over East Africa, The Middle East, and Southern Asia on June 21.
6. Partial Lunar Eclipse
On the 5th of July, the 3 rd Lunar Eclipse of 2020, visible over North and South America and the Atlantic.
7. Jupiter at Opposition
Jupiter will make it's closest approach to Earth on July 14.
8. Saturn at opposition
On July 20, Saturn will make it's closest approach to Earth
9. Perseid Meteor Shower
This is one of the best Meteor Showers. Up to 60 Meteors per hour on August 13.
10. Neptune at opposition
On September 11, Neptune will make it's closest approach to Earth.
11. Mars at opposition
Mars will make it's closest approach to Earth. Best time to watch the Red Planet.
12. Orionids Meteor Shower
Another best Meteor Shower on October 22.
13. Blue Moon
On October 31,the second full moon of October as the only Blue Moon of 2020.
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